TITLE: Hall Monitor
LOCATION: Chaffivi - Canada
CLUBHOUSE: chaffivi
AGE: 51+
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I have written three stories two actual events and one total fantasy. This one is a true story as best as I can remember it. This not a cuck, revenge or cheating story it was and is a complete sharing of her with full consent on both our parts. Past friends and a hot girlfriend.

If you comment and complain about what type of story is then you did not read the preceding paragraph. So, enjoy.

Hall Monitor
It was late on a Saturday afternoon in our basement apartment that was located at the end of the building closet to the door entrance. It; was a standard exterior metal door that was at the top of the six cement steps that had an open space below the steps. It was large enough that we were under it, and no one could see what we were doing and my girlfriend and had I had just finished a dangerous if we had of being caught romp that we both really enjoyed. I in a T-shirt and her in a blue semi see through blouse that came down to barely the bottom of her butt cheeks. Extremely hot without a bra on or even with. We had listened to a couple from upstairs come down their first-floor hallway. With still racing hearts from our climaxes, we took a breath and decided to get back into our apartment. I checked to see if the coast was clear from up the stairs and opening the door to our floor for all clear.
We scooted back into our abode, and I headed for the fridge for a cold Labatt IPA, Indian Pale Ale. Vanessa scurried into the bathroom for a pee. I tossed my T-shirt into the Laundry basket came back and sat down on the pullout couch. Pay attention to that it comes into play later. And then handed Vanessa her glass of Coli Obani white Italian wine, our favorite. Leaning her head on my shoulder she whispered, “we should do that more often, the danger and excitement of it was incredible.”
“Oh, like you and Keith at the dam” I winked which earned me a playful slap on the chest. There was no denying that it was another little kinky thing we had done together. I tucked my arm around her shoulders and draped my hand towards her right breast. I had plans, we continued to relax and sip away for over an hour just laughing and talking what other things we may do somewhere else. A rap at the window told us we had company which was not unusual as that is what we did back then just showed and said hello. I looked at Vanessa and told her to go put on her little green fuzzy shorts while I answer the window. While still being starker’s I pressed my body flush against the wall so only my head and half my chest was showing and lifted the standard window covers aka a Canadian National flag. I saw who it was and give him the one second hand signal and dropped the flag and ran towards the bedroom for shorts. Vanessa had pulled on her shorts, and I suggested “Could you get the door while I get us all more drinks and a pair of shorts.”
Not thinking anything about it she opened the apt. door and went up the six stairs to open the exterior door. As usual she greeted him with a hug and a peck on the cheek When they got to the apartment it was then that Reid one of the boys from the pipe band I belonged to. Then noticed that Vannessa had a see-through top on and a pair of shorts that were barely there. The top was thin enough that you could clearly see she was braless, and the definition of her nipples was noticeably clear. They came down the hall towards the living room and I came out of the galley kitchen with refreshments. I handed him his beer and smiled with a hey glad to see you grin. We all sat down at the kitchen table as usual because it was the first place to sit. We chatted about what each of us were doing and told the usual lies as friends do. Vannessa’s top only had the buttons done up to the middle of her breasts which gave us both a genuinely beautiful view to say the least. Every time she laughed, they would jiggle and rub her nipples against the material. As usual they responded in the erase size nubs as usual god bless her little cotton socks. Neither of us could look anywhere else she noticed and paid no attention to it as she enjoyed the attention Now this lady who stood at a comfortable five foot six inches with blonde permed hair and a thirty-six-c chest. Descending below that to her flat light-coloured skin that was so soft it made you melt just grazing your hand over it. Her inny that was just above her hips so close to the waistline of the shorts she was wearing. Actually, her shorts were well below her hips which presented us with a pleasing visual. We had been sitting long enough to need refills the drinks were cool on this hot August day.
“Why don’t you guys get comfy on the couch, and I’ll fetch another round.” With that they moved over and leaned back against the cool fake leather. The discussion continued but with Vannessa asking Reid if the new girlfriend was a promising candidate.
“Well since I seen you last, I went a few dates they were nice but when she asked how many kids I wanted, I sat astonished and comely said to her my dear this is only our third date. I am not looking to do that for a suitable number of years yet, you and I have not even made the commitment of going steady for fucks sake and I promise you that is for the woman I marry.” Reid told us and I laughed from the kitchen to his last statement, and he went on further to say. “And you my dear just got removed from my Christmas card list Good night.” So, he said that ended that chapter. Vannessa slid over next to him and gave him a big hug and held him there until he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight.”
I had heard everything as the apartment was that big that you would not be able to hear the whole conversation. Coming around the corner with drinks in hand the hug continued till I was in front of them handing out the drinks. They uncoupled and took their glass and bottle and really moved from where they were sitting closely together. I sat down in the chair across from them and looked at Reid and said, “so you hit another dry well?”
He looked at me for my straightforward comment smiled and said, “that seems to be the trend.” Vannessa taking pity on him and reached over with her left hand and placed on his bare right leg giving it a pat and a gentle rub back and forth. This got a raised eyebrow from both of us to which I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a thumbs up.
I stood up and looked at him and asked him if he wished to move on to the high-test stuff instead of the regular? I thought he could use it right about now.
“Great wadda yah got,” he asked, and I showed him a bottle of Corby’s Royal Reserve, it was the only rye I could afford and to me it was much better than most. Pouring a shot each popping in some cubes and topping it off with ginger ale Standard fare for us and the sign of the times. Vanessa giggled and asked for another. We had ordered a pizza from Jimmy’s and dared Vanessa to undo all the buttons on her top and then tie it under breasts. As we heard the buzz to let him in, she stood up and adjusted the bow so that part of each areola was showing. He knocked on the door that Vannessa as looking thru the peep hole and opened the door to see the poor dudes jaw hit the floor. Never had he made a delivery and get to see this before. She had the bill ready and handed it to him while he passed the box to her. While he had his head down digging for the change she reached up and undid the bow holding it together. Nessa took a deep breath which thrust her chest a bit more therefore making each nipple appear in its entirety Now when he lifted his head to hand her the change he was greeted with an unobstructed view of her chest. The pizza was great, but it took a while to eat while we were laughing so hard at her story.
It was dark now and we had been at it for. while I put on some tunes nothing brash just something easy George Benson. And I turned on the galley light and the lamp in the corner which had red scarf over it. It set a genuinely nice mood. After a while I needed to visit the little boy’s room and trotted, well wobbled, I lifted the lid and started, it seemed to me that it was long wait and then it wouldn’t stop.
A favorite slow song of Vannessa’s came on and looked at Reid and said, “Sir, would you dance with me?” Now Vannessa was holding on to him comfortably nothing overly close but enough that her breasts were contacting Reid at 5’8” same as me with red hair and freckles did not mind at all. I She had retied the bow but there was a lot of skin showing. I figured that since he has hit a dry patch and well probably enjoying her near nude chest. They were holding each other close and dancing in the middle of the living room where from the bathroom I could see them, but they could not see me. This turned out to be very fortuitous, as Vannessa had her arms around Reid's neck and had her head nestled into his shoulder. He on the other hand was busy slowly rubbing his hand up and down her back. Often sliding around the sides of her ribs grazing a breast then back down to the top of her fuzzy shorts.
“I like these shorts of yours.” Reid said and let his hand stray down over the top of her butt cheek and gave it a squeeze. A giggle and no resistance from her he decided that there was room on the other cheek for his other hand. A slight moan and whispered sigh came from her lips, taking this a sign of good fortune he pulled her waist in tighter to his groin therefore letting her feel his excitement.

I thought this could be another eventful evening with someone new. As we had enjoyed the company of another good friend who not only gave us our first three-some but had been over a few times with the same result. I was looking forward the possibilities that Vannessa was going to find a different cock tonight. I slowly came down the hall and took up my seat in front of my drink. When Reid noticed me sitting there, he hesitated and announced, “when did you come in?” Vannessa lifted her head off his shoulder and looked at me too. I winked and she winked back and kept on dancing. He looked back at me and saw my look of encouragement and a twirl of my fingers to tell him to keep going.
The song ended and they broke apart long enough to give a kiss on the cheek then crooked a finger summoning me to the floor. I still only in my cutoff jeans and bare feet grabbed the opportunity to be a bit naughty. On one of the turns. where Vannessa’s back was facing him, I slipped my hand under the waist band of her shorts. Giving a gentle squeeze to her cheek plus being able to push the waistline down a couple of inches. While on the next spin I quickly slipped a hand in between us and gave her breast a squeeze too. Then lowering my hand to the center of the top I popped another button telling her it would give me better access. Switching hands from fondling her breast to massaging her other cheek and lowering the waistline down to match the other one. I knew there was not much left on the song, so I made sure her top was unbuttoned all the way down. The song ended and we turned to sit back down. There was only one button holding it together. She sat down in her spot close to Reid's end and I returned to my chair.
“Whew I need a drink any else want one?” I said and proceeded to get up and go the kitchen. Their conversation resumed with Vannessa asking, “you know we didn’t have air conditioning what brought you over tonight?” He said “I was on my way out to Bayside and realised that I hadn’t seen you guys since the Warriors Day parade and said to myself that was too long. So tada I’m here.” He continued saying “What you don’t want me here?” he smiled. Vannessa raised her hand, stroked his cheek, and explained “not of course silly” Returning with the drinks and handing them out with a clink of the glasses and a toast we all took a good slug of well needed cool beverage. Another favorite of hers came on and immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him up with her.
Now due to my handling of her clothes her shorts were down enough that I could see the divide of her cheeks. I also noticed that she had neglected to put on panties which she seldom did anyway. Reid had a firm grasp on the skin above her shorts and was rubbing her back in an up and down motion. This was gradually pushing the sorts lower on her so that now plainly at least half of her backside was showing. And she was not showing any resistance.

Chapter two
Kids in the hall.

Vanessa was feeling her shorts getting lower and lower. The fan in the corner drawing cool air in from outside, she was getting to a point that she was happy with the idea as she was getting warmer with air in the room and how Reid was massaging her exposed bottom. I moved within reaching distance and the next time I was presented with genuinely nice bubble shaped butt. As Reid hooked a thumb into her waistband started the slow slide down that the waistband was now over the crest of the cheeks. While I had taken the other side for the assist. From this juncture they should fall off if it wasn’t for the fact that their groins held together by lust. I reached up with a finger and placed it on the point of Vanessa s hip bone and very gentle push back until she was doing it on her own. Reid and I slide the shorts the one inch to fall on their own. She stepped out of each leg and moved right back to having groin tight against Reid.
The song was the extended version of Donna Summer, love to love you baby. Now you’re humming it right!
As was thin piece of material I needed to give Reid a nudge. I grasped the bottom of his shorts and gave them a tug; he took the hint and on his own tugged them down his hips until he felt the pressure between their two bodies preventing them from falling to the ground on their own. He pulled back and pulled them down his legs. As soon as his cock was free it sprung up and slapped his own stomach, Vannessa looked down at this new development and took a deep breath thinking she had better sit down and relax a bit. “I have to sit down” she said, “And you” looking me “we all need a refill.”

I took the empty glasses into the kitchen while they both sat down on the couch albeit a little farther apart. The conversation continued between them although heavy breathing on both of their parts made the conversation labored to say the least. Closing the fridge after putting the mix away with the three glasses in hand I rounded the corner with both extending their arms to receive the drinks. A big gulp by all was had and a moment of silence insured. “Taylor “Reid said.
“What was this Hall game you came up with?
Both looked up at me and I smiled and began to explain the rules.
“What it is that we all stand at our door, look down the hall, and see if there is anyone in the hall. Then as we are dressed now, we each take a turn running down the hall to undo one of the light bulbs in the hall then run back into the apartment. Then the next person runs and unscrewed the next illuminated bulb. Simple enough?”
Reid looked at me took another drink and said, “Crazy is what crazy does let’s do it.” He stood and offered his hand to Vanessa she accepted, and we all walked to the door. I turned back to them and gave them a questioning look, both nodded I checked the peep hole Clear, I put my hand on the knob and turned it slowly. Stepping back, I peaked around the door and saw that no one was there. “I’ll go first but I’m going to go down to the laundry room and turn out the light I want you to follow me when I’m there.” And off I went unscrewing the bulb on the far side of the laundry room door and slipping inside. Sticking my head out I waved Nessa to come next. Now picture this she has a thin gauze type material, boobs bouncing as she ran and bottom less because we pulled them off in the living room. She came smiling and giggling into the laundry room where I immediately drew her into my arms and placed an extraordinarily strong passionate kiss on her, running a free hand down her side my fingers glazed over her clit and down through her very moist slit. She moaned into my mouth telling me how aroused she was. Slipping a single digit into her moist tunnel other gasps came out and I walked in and out a few times then released her. She opened her eyes looked into mine and said, “My god I’m fucking horny!” “Ok “I said and moved over to the door to see Reid hanging his head out the door, so I waved him to come on. He nodded and took off running towards us. His hard bouncing cock leading him along. Panting as he came through the door, I gave him a thumbs up, he smiled.

So, there we are I still have shorts on Vannessa is bottomless and so is Reid, I look at Vannessa and give her a big kiss and a hug. Then turn to Reid and nod my head for him to the same. He turned to her and took the one step to get close to her, he put his around her and as he moved in and kissed her it muffled the moan she gave as his fully erect cock slid in-between Nessa’s legs. The passion in the kiss grew and tounge started to probe. Damn this was hot. “I’ll head back and Ness you come next. “I damn near have ,”she said and I took off ,when I got to our door I waited a second and turned my head back to see if she was waiting for me to signal her , nothing I waited a few more seconds and thought I left them in a hot embrace I bet they still are. I quietly paced down the hall and stuck my head around the laundry room door to find Vannessa with her hand around his cock slowly stroking it while he was pinching her bare nipple. A little tap on her arm and when she looked at me, I gave her a little nod and stopped what she was doing and ran back down the hall with me. I got her to our door and promptly placed a hand on her breast and started squeezing and slid a finger into her pussy to make her moan and squirm. I took a breath and stuck my head out ad Reid was waiting for my signal. He came running and straight into Vannessa’s arms for another hug. This was going on as I went to get out drinks to refresh.

We moved back into the living room to finish them down.
“Ok I said now that we have turned a bulb out each the next run down, we do naked.” Which drew a surprized look from both but with the spirits running high and a wee bit alcohol a “what the hell” was what both said. I dropped my shorts, and my proud member came out hard and straight. Nessa reached over and gave me a stroke and asked, “what do we do next?”
We finished our drinks, and I motioned them to the door opened it again and took off running to the next bulb down the hallway that we hadn’t turned out. Once I got back to the room Nessa took off no hesitation what so ver.
Now this building was three floors with about 20 units per floor so there was a good chance of being caught. Didn’t want that to happen again, another story sorry. She came back in the room and off Reid went, the idea was simple it wasn’t hard to figure out, but it left a male female alone for a brief minute. What could happen while standing there would be up to the individual. Soon as she got in not even closing the door I pinned her up against it and bent down to start licking her pussy. Wrapping her hands around my head pulling me in closer my nose was buried in the soft curls of her landing strip.
Reid returned from his trip and came around the corner breathing heavy but not out of breath. He looked down at me and smiled I announced that it was my turn to run the gambit, I took off. The excitement was keeping all of us on edge, cocks hard and pussies veery wet. There were two bulbs left and I was going to get them both which sent the hallway from end to end into semi darkness. You could still see to walk and here I was stark naked casually walking down a hall where anyone could open their door and come out to see me walking away. I didn’t have any concerns really it was 130 in the morning the bar hoppers wouldn’t be coming home for an hour yet.
I reached the apartment door to find no one there, the door wide open and no one standing in it waiting for me. I stepped in and closed the door as quietly as I could, I took the few paces in to look towards the bathroom, the door was wide open no light, but it was empty. One pace back and looked in the bedroom, the one table lamp was on and no one in there. Ok no one in the second bedroom so I silently walked down to the demurely light living room and peeked around the corner.

There sitting on the couch clenched in a deep kiss while his hand was working her pussy and rubbing her clit. She was doing long slow strokes of his cock both moaning. This was my fantasy with her yearning for cock it has come true for us several times. And times when I was at work or away. As long as I heard about it in detail, she was free to do whatever she wanted. With her inhibitions lowered so to speak and her lust level skyrocketing through the roof. My little goddess was once again fulfilling her insatiable appetite for cock.
She loved to suck cock any size shape and girth, it was a passion of hers, she had to have it. Watching her break the kiss and let go of his cock she slipped down on to the floor, spread his knees, and licked from the root to the bulbus head and back down the top side. Coming back up to the head she kissed it and moaned “I love this beautiful cock of yours Reid I may have to have more of this again.” As she slid her lips over the head and slowly licked it while lowering her head to put her nose into his fuzzy pubes. Looking At Reid his head was leaning back on the couch his eyes closed and breathing heavy. She continued to suck him for several more minutes, she was loving it a cock in her mouth and mine in the wings. She lifted her head off his pulsing staff looked up at him and in no certain terms demanded “I need that fucking thing inside of me now!”
“Wait” I yelled” before that follow me” And with that I took off for the door. Why I wanted to do this just added to the mix of unknowns. I opened the apartment door and looked both ways and heard nothing, without saying anything I took off down the hall. They followed three naked adults streaking down the darkened hallway and then I took a hard left into the laundry room. I grabbed Nessa and tossed her up on the dryer and spread her legs apart and looked at Reid with a nod of my head told him to get in there and lick her till she screams.
Naked and hard as hell Reid pushes Ness’s legs apart and slides his tounge from top to bottom of her slit and then gives her clit a flick. Elicits a serious moan from ness and while Reid is sliding a finger into her soaked pussy another moan and grabs his head with both hands and pulls him in tight. I let them play for a minute then I suggest the next position.
I take ness out into the hallway and get her to lay down on her back. I drop to my n=knees add aim my extremely hard cock towards her opening. Easing the mushroom shaped head of my cock I pushed it forward splitting her wet lips apart. The looking down at her I ask, “Are you ready?” She looks at me and just shakes her head up and down. In one smooth thrust I push all the way in until everything is totally in her love tunnel. Reid is standing over us damn near drooling and what he is witnessing. I pump slowly in and out feeling how tight that wonderful little pussy is. I Stop look down at her then up to Reid, looking back at her I give her the eyebrow raise to see if she is ready for hm.
“For god's sake let him put that hunk of meat in me before I bust!”

Ness who knows I love to watch her with another man, but you see although she loves me to death, and she has told me she will never divorce me. So, there it’s, she loves me the twit. She also told me that she will always come back to unconditionally and is extremely 6that she is allowed to play the field as long as she tells me all about it or I’m there to watch in full view or covertly. I stood and looked down at her suggested “why don’t we take this to somewhere more comfortable?” Leading the way, we head down the hallway towards the bedroom and bathroom. Knowing that it would bee awkward with me standing in the door watching them I decided to tell them I had to use the bathroom first and I would be back. After making noises in the bathroom like water running and the toilet flushing, I Thought that would give them time to relax and get started. AS I looked around the corner of the bedroom the light from the hall cast an enough light so I could see the whole bed completely. The soft lighting that was in the Bedroom also gave me illumination to watch. They were standing beside the bed lock in a hot embrace kissing and playing tonsil hockey. Slowly Reid bent them down to the edge of the bed to sit on not breaking the kiss. Ness broke the kiss and lifted herself into the center of the mattress to give them more room.
She put a pillow behind her back and another behind her head while leaning against the wall. Reid placed his warm hands on her delicate toes and massaged his way up her calves to her knees. Nesss breathing was becoming heavier with every inch he moved closer to her thighs. With his arms extended above him by the time his breath was mere inches away from her pussy he blew on it. Nessa shivered all over to the stimulation over her very wet mons. Now his hands reached up and fondled her right breast and on the left he twisted a moan from her telling us that she was definitely enjoying herself. Her eyes opened to see me at the door naked and stroking my ridiculously hard cock watching the show, she smiled I winked and then she let out a very throaty moan as Reid sank his tounge straight into her very wet slit. Then pulling back he licked from top to bottom and back up again. Ness’s hands had grabbed the sheets and scrunched them up into a ball and was digging in her heels. With Reid putting everything he had into making her climax, twisting his tongue every which he could think of. Of which as her hips bounced up and down on the bed, he decided to slide a finger deep into her pussy and stroke it in and out. This only added to Nessa’s tingling she was having deep within her soul. The finger was moving in and reaching up to her G-spot and that did it for the first of many climaxes. She grabbed his head and pulled it tighter against her to get him as deep as possible. Gradually easing off his pressure on her clit to let regain her composure.

Reid stood up on his knees with one very hardened steel rod for a cock, the seven inches of meat with a wide girth to it more than mine but I didn’t care one bit. He slipped his arms under her legs behind the knee. Lifting and pulling her towards her very moist and inviting cunt. Reid’s mushroom head just barely touched her labia, and he moved it up and down her slit teasing her even more.
I had quietly crawled around to the end of the bed I had a perfect veiw of Reids big cock pushing between her folds. Inch by inch he slid in slowly savouring the tightness of her vaginal walls as he pushed another inch in until her was all the way into the hilt. Vanessa took the full length into her with ease, she has had bigger and handled that like a pro too. He held it there and closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Not only was he fucking my girlfriend he was thinking it has been months that he had been in this position with any woman but here he was balls deep in this beautiful young vixen that he has lusted after since I introduced her to the pipe band.
Taking a long slow pull out so that only the tip was still inside of her he then pushed back in picking up a rhythm of nice slow long strokes which Nessa was meeting him on every stroke. “For god's sake Fuck me.” She said adding “Now give it to me harder, make me scream.” Reid bent forward to suck on her nipples making her pant louder and thrashing around on the bed. Like fish out water. Reid pulled back and raised Ness’s right leg over his shoulder which gave him a better angle to pump deeper into her tight pussy. Reid could see Nessa chest getting flush, that crimson color when she was almost ready to come. He stopped again and flipped her over so that she.was on her hands and knees taking the head of his cocktail and sliding in between her very puffy very inflamed labia he jammed it in in one smooth lustful push.
His thighs and balls slapping against her cheeks both moaning and ready to climax.
She looked up into his lust filled eyes and said, ‘Reid come in me, fill with your cum I want to feel it flood my pussy give me all you have.” Their moaning and gasps for breath were coming faster and faster I could see Reids balls getting tighter and when he pulled out his cock to jam it back in ft was swollen too. Vanessa’s face and chest were scarlet which means she was a hair shy from pulling the trigger too. Again in between breaths she glared at him with a body full of lust and yelled “NOW.”
His pace quickened and the slaps of flesh colliding with each other was one of the loudest noises in the room a noise of pure sexual bliss and joy. Nessa Grabbed his shoulders and pulled him so that her 36 Cs were smashed against his chest and kissed him with so much passion that they both exploded at the same time.
She could feel the blasts of cum drench her cervix and the warm fluid mixing with her juices caused a wonderful puddle on the mattress. Both panting and sweating profusely a drink was definitely in order. Off I went to play bartender again, returning to the bedroom I came in to find Vanessa swallowing Reids cock licking their combined juices off and relishing the taste of his cum and her nectar.

It got quiet in the bedroom we had all finished our drinks everyone had done the nightly duties and were laying on the bed. As I was the last into the room, I found Reid on the far side of the be Vanessa in the middle with her leg draped over his and an arm over her shoulder resting on her wonderful breast.
A 3:30 am we all fell asleep soundly dreaming about what had just happened and was it going to happen again? Who knows that is another story.